Creating Transmittals and Major/Minor Projects

Creating Transmittals and Major/Minor Projects

Creating a New Project

  1. In PDM, navigate to the off-highway folder: C:\PenskeVault\Engineering\Off Highway.
  2. Right click in empty space.
  3. In the right-click menu select New> A New Project NEOF.

      4. Fill out the template cards that pop up.

      5. Go into your new Project Folder.
      6. You will notice that the new project folder is empty. This is because you can now decide between and minor or major internal folder structure.

      7. Right click in your new project folder. Select New then, Major Folder Structure OR Minor Project Structure. This will populate your project with the folder structure shown above.

Creating a Transmittal

  1. Navigate to your “Transmittal” folder. A new transmittal must be created in a folder named “Transmittals” in a project folder.
  2. Right click empty space in the folder. Select New> Create New Transmittal.
  3. A Transmittal template card will show up. This will automatically populate with the folder’s Project Number and a Transmittal SN. This Serial Number is a sequential number that will continue to sequence as new transmittals are created across PDM. It will be a unique number for each Transmittal.

      4. Click OK.
      5. A new File Card will show.
      6. Here it is important to add a useful description to distinguish what the transmittal is for.
      7. More importantly, assign the document type as “PPS.SL04.017 Document Transmittal Form”.

      8. This will bring up a window on the right with transmittal variables.
      9. Select either “Quoting” or “Manufacturing” in the “Transmittal For” drop down. The other fields can be filled out later.

      10. Create your file. Your file should automatically check-in.
      11. Open your transmittal and inspect. The grey fields with dotted lines will be automatically filled out with what you select on the data card. Do not fill these out on the excel sheet.

Transmittal Workflow

  1. Once a transmittal is ready to be sent, fill out the transmittal “Branch Name” field on the datacard.

  1. Check the file in.
  2. Right click the transmittal, select Change State> Submit to Branch.

  1. This will push the transmittal through the Transmittal Workflow and will capture the date at which the transmittals are sent and received.
  2. If, the transmittal was marked for Quoting, the transmittal will skip the “Submitted to Branch” state and directly go to “Returned to NEOF”.

Returned Transmittals


  1. Once a transmittal is returned, you must archive the transmittal in the respective transmittal folder on PDM.
  2. Ensure it is named with reference to its original transmittal file name.
  3. Then you must transition the original transmittal document (The excel one) in PDM to “Returned to NEOF”.

  1. This will capture when the transmittal was returned. 

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