Engine Fail to Crank or Start suspect Dec1000 Pannel Faulty

Engine Fail to Crank or Start suspect Dec1000 Pannel Faulty

PPS are no longer a distributor for the Kohler Marine and Industrial products within Australia and for any Kohler product technical support we can refer customers or our technicians directly to Ty Martin of Clarke Energy: TyMartin| Service/Technical Support – Kohler Clarke EnergyTy.Martin@clarke-energy.com t: +61882902100 m: +61437101729 www.clarke-energy.com There have been some occurrences of engines fitted with a DEC 1000 control panel failing to Crank. Step 1This may be caused by a faulty charging alternator check for voltage from Alternator terminal D+ to Dec 1000 Plug J17 Pin 7Remove connection from Alternator D+ Terminal and connect cable to Battery Negative, the generator should start and run by manually starting from the controller.If this is the case replace the charge alternator. Step 2 Failure has been identified in some casesas a blown output for the Cranking circuit due to a voltage spike in the starter circuit likely caused by corrosion in the cabling, as the starter motor relay did not have a suppression diode fitted this caused the solid state output to fail. To Check this fault inspect wiring to the starter solenoid as per the attached drawings (Cable number 50)Attempt to crank the engine and measure for a 12VCD output from Plug J17 Pin11, (note the voltage from this pin to ground will be 9Volts DC when open circuit without the Relay installed as it is a solid state device.)The starter relay resistance should be approximately 80 ohms. If there is no output voltage on pin 11 Replace the DEC 1000 Panel and ensure that the starter motor relay as shown in the attached drawings is fitted with a suppression diode. You will also need to investigate the cause of the relay failure which is likely to be a loose connection, faulty battery or faulty starter motor.